The Dream Continues
The Dream Continues is a multireality fashion collection made from garments and fabrics who all have past lives. It is a runway at a drag show in a Chicago warehouse after the end of the world. It is a performance at the Sculpture Center in Cleveland, Ohio. It is set to sounds by Spacey Lacey. It is walked by Chicago legends Mats, Helvetikah Blak, Kerosene, Monsieur Bombastic, and Dutchesz Gemini. It is walked by Cleveland legends Dusty Bucket, Lichee Corvette, Ben Wretch, Big Top, and Joliee Blak. The Dream Continues is a 2-channel video installation of simultaneous runway realities (not pictured). It is a series of sculptures which are boarded windows just like the ones in industrial buildings in Cleveland and Chicago (not yet pictured). It is a poem about burning thistle, which is silently hidden inside of portals on pieces of clothing. "The Dream Continues" is a phrase spray painted on the train tracks outside Mortville where the collection was made. On the morning The Dream Continues was performed Odette found dry thistle plants, black like charcoal and taller than themself, outside the steel mill and hung them on the runway with the help of their friends.
Stills shot by Ruby Que.
Performance at The Sculpture Center shot by Claire Fleming Staples.

Vox Populi Philadelphia, PA
The Dream Continues | The Sculpture Center Cleveland, OH